sorry for the long hiatus..iyad's mama was extremely busy to complete her thesis and write ups for her final masters exam..please pray for her success in her viva in mid may, hopefully she will make through it so that she can concentrate more on iyad's therapy and progress once she finishes her study...
so, baby iyad had been extremely busy too...busy enjoying his food, exploring new taste and textures... he loves it when people taking his photos with iphone, readily offers his charming smile when he sees the iphone...he gets very excited when we hold our ipads and iphones and computers, he would try his best to reach for it...he loves playing and jumping around in his jumperoo...

alhamdulillah, baby iyad is still on fully breastfeeding...since he started on complementary food, he has difficulty passing out motion...well, he passed motion everyday and sometimes 2-3 times per day, but his stool was hard...sometimes, he had to push hard and cried when passing out his motion...we gave him at least a full serving of fruit like banana or papaya for his lunch or dinner and other times would be his vegetables puree...he doesn't really like to drink water..just a few sips and that's far it is still manageable and hopefully it won't the meanwhile, we are trying out best to increase the fibre intake and also the water intake during mealtimes...
March 21st was World Down Syndrome fell on thursday, on baby iyad's therapy there was no class on that day as they went celebrating it at iyad did not join the celebration this year as he was still small to participate in the fun, furthermore mama had a course that she had to attend...
so, baby iyad did not go to school for 3 sessions as the following weeks was school holidays...but he still get stimulated at home...we are trying to teach him how to sit unsupported and get himself balanced while sitting up...
jihan and imtiaz are being very helpful looking after baby iyad sometimes...although most of the times they chose to do their own stuffs...