Thursday, February 16, 2012

week 10-great food and ends of my breastfeeding journey

went through my 10th weeks of pregnancy which wasn't that smooth....had bouts of dizziness and hypoglycemic symptoms and craving for lots and lots of sugar...sigh....i know it's not good, furthermore i'm sure to have gestational diabetes in this pregnancy later as i had in the 2nd one previously...anyway, that's how i got over the hypo symptoms...

in term of food cravings, i got to eat pecel lele (fried catfish) of wong solo and jus alpukat (avocado juice) and they were yummy...tolerating other foods fine..yes, i'm craving for sushi and i planned to do my own sushi, however haven't managed to do so...i've looked through youtube on how to make your own sushi and it drooled me... 

one of my good friend invited me over for lunch at her house and obviously she's an amazing cook and she cooked for us ikan patin in tempayak gravy, chill crab and her signature kuala lips sambal ikan bilis and that was superb! i got to meet my other good friends who just came back from korea for a vacation and we had fun eating, chatting and watching kuch kuch hota hai on reminisced our good old days in campus many, many years ago...

oh yes, i told you before that i'm still struggling to wean imtiaz off...and last week he had not been breastfeeding for a few days...and this week i think we managed to wean him off totally, alhamdulillah...kind of sad though...he would ask for mama's milk occasionally but as usual i told him to hug me and kiss my chest/breasts while sucking his morning, he was crying out loud for mama's milk and i hugged him, carried him around and he was still screaming for mama's milk, refusing his milo and chocolate milk..then we asked him whether he wants his strawberry yogurt drink and that quieted him...

i had breast tenderness and realized that they have increased in size due to pregnancy my previous pregnancy at around this time, i suffered from skin dryness and itchiness, but so far this time round not much of skin changes occurred...

next week is another hectic week for me..we are having kenduri kesyukuran, quite a big one, as my sister Ezani recently won the MasterChef Malaysia...let's see if i survive the ordeal...

and also not forgetting my 2nd antenatal check up is due next week...

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