alhamdulillah, i've made it to 16 weeks...i've started to have aching sacroiliac joint (somewhere near the buttock) and that made sitting and lying down and moving around quite difficult due to the pain, especially when i wanted to change position while sleeping and lying down...i also felt some stretching pain around the uterine ligament due to the enlargement of the uterus...
that didn't stop me from moving around and did a lot of walking while i was finding patients for my breastfeeding research project...the progress was quite slow though, that's because there were not many patients delivered at my centre...i had the chance to help these mothers to breastfeed and gave them some vital informations about breastfeeding...
i also had some impulsive shopping act during the momslittleones warehouse sale...although it's still early to shop for some baby stuffs, i bought some storage bottles and a breastfeeding recliner that i've been eyeing for this was on great offer...i got it for RM650 (the original price was RM1200+)...
appetite has been good and my weight has been maintaining around 56kg...the weight that i mentioned during the antenatal check up last week was not accurate as i had myself weighed after and hefty lunch...i'm surviving the allergic symptoms on topical medications, trying "avoiding" them when necessary...that's because i'm not good at following routines on taking medications..
i've started to eat haematinics (antenatal vitamins to prevent anaemia) but being me, i've not been taking it everyday because i always forgot to do so...i realized that in this pregnancy i love to eat fresh fruits such as grapes, pear, orange...the only thing that i've not been taking regularly (or i've not been taking at all) is milk...and i've not been taking calcium tablet as well...i'm trying to get as much calcium as i can from normal food but i don't think that is need to start drinking milk or taking the calcium tablet...
anyway, imtiaz has shown some affection towards his baby brother...he always hug me and tell me that he wanted to kiss the baby but instead he would kiss my breasts...cheeky imtiaz...